special reports

Raising the Next Generation: A Survey of Parents and Caregivers


As America rapidly evolves into a more racially and ethnically diverse country, we see that future in our children. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation commissioned an in-depth research study to explore the experiences of parents and caregivers today as they raise the next generation of children. The project began with interviews and focus groups, culminating in a survey of approximately 2,000 parents and caregivers to hear directly from them about their aspirations for their children, the challenges they face, and what enables their families to thrive. Respondents included the same number of parents and caregivers from five racial and ethnic groups: Asian American and Pacific Islander, Black, Indigenous, Latino, and White. Full details on research methodology are available here.

Parents and Caregivers Express Optimism

The findings reveal that the overwhelming majority of parents and caregivers share a common sense of optimism about their children’s futures and a belief that their children will have more opportunity to succeed than they did. 

Q: How likely do you think it is that your children will experience more opportunity to succeed and thrive than you had during their childhood and teen years?

Response options: Very likely; somewhat likely; not too likely; not likely at all

“The biggest hope every parent has for their children is for them to be healthy, happy, educated.” White focus group participant, New York

But they are also clear-eyed about the challenges they expect their children will face, such as anxiety, bullying, and depression. 

Q: How likely do you think it is that your children will experience the following during their childhood and teen years?

Views on Unequal Access to Opportunity

Most parents see inequities and feel that, despite their efforts to give their children everything they need, America does not offer every child the same opportunities. Parents of color, particularly Black parents, fear that racism will limit their children’s opportunities.

Q: Do you feel all children in America have the same opportunity to grow up to be independent, financially stable, healthy adults or do you feel some children face more barriers and have fewer opportunities than others?

Response options: All children in America have the same opportunity to grow up to be independent, financially stable, healthy adults; Some children face more barriers and have fewer opportunities than others; Unsure

“When I think about racism, I think about my kids. When they grow up, I don’t want them to get insulted … because of their race.” Latino focus group participant, Texas

How Parents and Caregivers Get Through Hard Times

Despite these challenges, parents report relying on their strong work ethic, their creativity, and a feeling they can change their family’s situation to help them get through trying times.

Q: How important is each of the following in helping your family get through hard times and to succeed?

“Once you have a kid, once you have a family, there’s no failing.” Asian American and Pacific Islander focus group participant, California

Policies to Help Families Raise Children

There is widespread agreement among parents and caregivers surveyed that a strong safety net and government policies that support families are important to helping families get through hard times and thrive.

Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “There should be a strong safety net for families when they fall on hard times and need help.”?

Response options: Strongly agree; somewhat agree; somewhat disagree; strongly disagree

Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Government policies, such as paid family leave, health care, housing, and tax credits, play an important role in helping families raise children.”?

Response options: Strongly agree; somewhat agree; somewhat disagree; strongly disagree

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation believes everyone should have a fair and just opportunity for health and well-being. Parents and caregivers should be at the center of the discussion about policies, systems, and supports that will help the next generation of children thrive. This study is designed to elevate their voices and help foster that dialogue.

Reports by Race and Ethnicity

Explore more survey findings from each group of parents and caregivers by race and ethnicity. 

About the Study

“Raising the Next Generation: A Survey of Parents and Caregivers” examines what it is like to raise children in America today by asking questions to equal numbers of parents and caregivers from five different racial and ethnic groups: Asian American and Pacific Islander, Black, Indigenous, Latino, and White. The survey builds on interviews and focus groups conducted over an 18-month period in 16 cities and in seven different languages with parents and caregivers from more than a dozen racial, ethnic, or cultural backgrounds. The survey and qualitative research were conducted by the nonpartisan research firm PerryUndem and a broad set of partners with culturally specific expertise.